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Can Marijuana Possibly Be Good For Your Brain? Apparently, Very Possibly.

When we talk about the benefits of marijuana in sustaining good health for your brain, we have two categories of medicinal uses of marijuana in terms of brain health: preventative benefits and curative benefits. Let's…

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marijuana could potentially save the nfl

How Marijuana Oil Can Save Many Athletes’ Lives

Marijuana is becoming less of a public taboo in the recent years after having been proved to be a very safe substance, whether its intended use is medicinal or recreational. However, there is a sphere…

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full extract cannabis oil tahoe

The Recipe to Produce Rick Simpson Oil on Your Own

Hemp oil has been made using various methods for differing purposes. The differences between types of hemp oil start from the bud itself since different levels of quality and strain types give out widely varying…

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shiva legend by benbal

Is CBD Legal In Serbia: The Universal Struggle

As the medical use of marijuana has become legal in 12 EU countries and 24 states in the U.S., there are countries that are still struggling with their authorities to gain decriminalized access to the…

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rso seniors

Why the Patients Are the Biggest Losers in Big Pharma’s Involvement in Cannabis-Based Medication

If there are any reasons to the chronic halt in the legalization of the medicinal use of marijuana in many countries, it is now sure that these reasons would include, if they are not headed…

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rick simpson oil

Hemp Oil Treatment: A Guide to Safe Dosing

As we examine the dosage requirements for someone who is just beginning to take up hemp oil treatment, there are a few ground rules that need to be established. First off, while hemp oil is…

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rick simpson oil california

Marijuana’s Legal Journey in California

California is often associated with relative marijuana-friendliness in terms of laws and the social view of pot use. Being the first state nationwide to legalize the use of medical marijuana back in 1996, and the…

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Types of Marijuana Strains and Which Suit Your Condition

Marijuana holds a wide range of marijuana effects, but it is important to understand that not every bud of marijuana is the same. The secret to marijuana's effects lies in the resin, which is the…

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The United States’ Gradual Breakout from Marijuana Prohibition

After decades of combined advocacy efforts by millions across the United States, from groups to grassroots movements to individual advocates, marijuana has been experiencing a major uphill in the past few years. The struggle for…

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