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Rick Simpson Oil Treated Stage Four Kidney Cancer (Informative Testimonial)

Many medical treatments fail to address the complexities of individual cases, so it’s no surprise that some people turn to alternative cures. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) has been used as a natural remedy for over a decade, and there is now evidence that this oil can provide real relief — even in extreme cases. 

This blog post will dive into one success story of how RSO helped treat stage four kidney cancer. Read on to learn about Jim’s journey and his experience with Rick Simpson Oil as a natural remedy for his illness.

Jim was diagnosed with a grapefruit-sized tumor

On August 2, 2019, Jim was diagnosed with stage four kidney cancer, which had metastasized to the vena cava of his heart and liver. After he was admitted to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed him with a grapefruit-sized tumor.

The doctors ran countless tests for three days and finally sent him home, informing him that there was nothing they could do for him. Their recommendation was to go home and spend his last days with his loved ones. 

Due to anxiety and stress, Jim’s health worsened. As a result, he lost 60 pounds. Once weighing 200 lbs, Jim’s weight dropped down to 138 lbs.

By this time he was devastated and knew that the chances of his survival were slim. He knew that he would have to endure aggressive treatments and still have a low probability of survival. However, he was determined to fight for his life and try anything that might give him a chance.

Jim and Rick Simpson Oil

Jim’s story is an amazing testimony to the power of RSO. While more research is needed to confirm its efficacy, many people can attest to its power through their own experiences and treatment of various ailments, including cancer.

When Jim first heard about Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) from a friend in Tennessee, he wasn’t sure if he was interested in it. His friend told him that RSO is a type of cannabis oil that is said to have medicinal properties. 

After doing some research and learning more about the potential benefits of RSO, Jim decided to give it a try. He started administering it as a suppository daily, and when he started seeing results, he also began taking it orally on occasion. Within a few weeks, he noticed a significant improvement in his energy levels and overall sense of well-being. 

CAT scan results show his tumor has shrunk almost in half.

After being treated with Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) for stage four kidney cancer, Jim had a CAT scan showing that the tumor had shrunk almost half! He felt this was a miracle, as his previous diagnosis was that his cancer was too progressed for effective treatment.

Jim knew that these incredible results were due to the RSO treatment. Eagerly, he ordered more oil from us at Jim started using RSO more regularly, taking the necessary dosage to continue his progress in reversing his cancer.

After using the oil for a few weeks, Jim’s remaining cancer symptoms began to improve and tumor size continued to decrease significantly. Eventually, his cancer symptoms began to subside and eventually disappeared altogether. 

“I told my wife honey we’re going to order another round because we’re gonna make this thing go away and so I ordered a second round, did another 90 days and then I went for another CAT scan and the tumor shrunk even more! And so I ordered so I another 90 days. Yeah believe it or not I’m 100% cancer free” – Jim

Today, Jim is cancer-free and credits RSO oil for saving his life.

Jim is passionate about sharing his story in hopes of helping others who are facing similar challenges. 

Jim said:

“I cannot stress enough how important it is to catch kidney cancer early. If I had not been treated with RSO, my tumor would have continued to grow and spread, potentially causing me much pain and suffering.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with kidney cancer, I urge you to research RSO and consider it a treatment option. Thanks to this amazing oil, it has worked wonders for me, and I am so grateful to be alive and well.”

Rick Simpson Oil is a natural remedy made from cannabis that effectively treats various cancer forms. RSO’s highly potent THC levels provide instant pain relief and allow healing to occur when fighting illness and disease. Jim’s testimonial describes how he used the oil to treat his stage four kidney cancer.

 Rick Simpson Oil did what the doctors and traditional medicine couldn’t – it cured Jim’s cancer.

Jim is one of many people who successfully treated cancer with RSO. While more research is needed to confirm its efficacy, there are many testimonials from people like Jim who have used RSO to treat their cancer. If you or someone you know has cancer, consider trying this natural remedy.

To learn more about the Rick Simpson Oil protocol and Rick Simpson Oil for sale call us at (323) 422-2738.

Check out our RSO benefits & testimonials 

*Disclaimer patient results may vary. The results of this patient do not guarantee the same outcome. 


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